Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Meaning of Valentine's Day

            Valentine’s Day: what a holiday. I feel like that’s the best way I can put it seeing as when I think about this holiday, I just feel this overwhelming feeling of indifference. And no, before you start thinking I’m just one of those people, who “just hatin cuz he ain’t got no Valentine...” Within my limited experience as a young adult, I have experienced Valentines alone, and I have experienced Valentine's while in a relationship. And either way, my feelings are the same and can be summed up easily with an “ehhh.” It feels like one of those whatever days, like if you enjoy celebrating Valentine's, then go right ahead; and don’t let anybody stop you. If not . . . then whatever, just go about your business and continue your living your life like you would any other day. 

            The best analogy I can think of when it comes to Valentine’s Day is it’s like taking a survey. You go down the list, reading questions and filling in those little bubbles based on whether or not the question applies to you. Valentine’s, and all holidays for that matter, is the same thing. You live life day-to-day, just going about your business and “doing you,” and when a holiday comes up that applies to you, you celebrate it. If not, you just continue doing you, living life day-to-day. . . For those who haven’t yet figured out what the term “Doing you” or “Do you” means, it’s basically another way of saying be yourself. With that being said, how ridiculous would it be if every time you were filling out a survey, and came across a question that doesn’t apply to you, you just start flipping out? Think about how many women there would be sobbing with their #2 pencils in their hands. Or how many guys there would be lying to themselves about how they are happy that survey question doesn’t apply to them. Or think about if other countries were just annoyed every time an American holiday was to occur. Like for example, “Damn those Americans, hoggin' all the ground hogs!!! How is the rest of the world going to figure out if there will be six more weeks of winter or not?!?”

            I am currently in a relationship, and my girlfriend loves Valentine’s Day, which is basically the only real reason why I celebrate it. I mean she knows how I feel about the day, but if it makes her happy, then why not? But I’d think if we didn’t celebrate it, my feelings for her wouldn’t come into question. And even if they did, there’s fifty-million other holidays (birthdays, New Years, ChristmaHannuhKwanza, etc.) on which I can express my feelings for her or whoever I choose. Aside from every other day, which I’d say are much better, because then it comes as a surprise and shows you authentically wanted to do something special for that person. But I don’t know, that’s really just how I see it or interpret things, and what do I know? I mean I’m sure there’s an army of females out there who were brainwashed before they entered elementary school into believing that they have to find their Prince Charming if they ever want to be happy who probably disagree with me.

Stefan Correia, Staff Writer, is currently a junior studying Public Relations at the University  of Rhode Island.

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